Its quiet a mystery (biggest of all the existing ones at least for me) that why do we fall in love. I mean every time one falls in love, one says, "Oh! This love of mine is so true and real." Few days later the one leaves the love of life, falls in love again and it’s again true and real. Recently I realized it, that even I say it and do it.
I told a friend of mine about my boyfriend, she was surprised or I’ll rather say shocked and said, "How many guys would you date, my dear. Why don't you fix yourself with a guy? Look at me this guy I’m engaged with, we have a 4 year old relationship. See, how happy I am! We fight, we argue but we never talk about leaving each other. You compromise; you change yourself when you are in love according to your lovers need. God forbid if we ever parted, I'll die." These words at that moment were harsh in fact hurting. On my way back home her words kept on echoing in my head. I came home and just thought about it, kept on thinking, discussed it with my folks and at last I reached a conclusion.
It’s simple; compare yourself with a spider and your love life with the spider's web that it is building. Quiet a good comparison! Leaving jokes apart, a spider builds its web, it falls, it tumbles down and at times the web strings break but the spider never stops, it picks up where the string broke and starts again. There are times when the web breaks or is destroyed and the spider starts afresh but never stops until the day it builds a safe home for itself. Same case goes around in our love life: we get dumped, ditched, cheated, we escape out of love but we never stop falling in love. We again fall in love, we work to make it live. It’s like "Of course I love you, till I find someone better" and the day that better enters our life, our search ends and we don't work upon our love life but we work on our life that we’ll spend with that better, planning to end it with that better. Above all we are humans and we want satisfaction and perfection in our life so why not, be with the best when it comes to living life till the end.
But one thing for sure falling in love is the best thing in life!!!